DiXaR  id: 5017725
CPU Intel Core i7 (3,4 GHz / 3.8 GHz en mode turbo)
RAM 2x 4Go
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
Soundcard N/D
Storage 600 Go (Velociraptor) + 1 To 10000 RPM
Motherboard Intel P67 Express
Display ASUS VG236HE (23" LCD)
OS Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Intégrale 64 bits
CD/DVD Graveur DVD Super Multi double couche
Mouse Razer Mamba
Mouse Skatez Razer Mamba
Mousepad Razer Destructor
Keyboard Razer BlackWidow Ultimate
Headphones Roccat Kave
Connection ADSL
Wheel/Pedals N/D
Joypad N/D
TV Sony
Sound system N/D
Console(s) Xbox 360
Handheld(s) N/D
Mobile Phone iPhone
Drink Red Bull
Food Lasagnes vs Macdo
Movie Very Bad Trip 1 &2
Music All
Song Justice
Book N/D
Book author N/D
Person N/D
Actor / Actress N/D
Car Audi R8
Sport Volley and Ice Hockey
Athlete Messi
Map de_inferno & de_nuke
Clan aAa @ 1.6 // Verygames @ CSS // Titan @ CSGO
Player KaBaL @ 1.6 // RpK @ CSS // Shox @ CSGO
Game Hero N/D
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humains
Genre FPS
Console Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://steamcommunity.com..
Website 2 http://steamcommunity.com..
Editor for VaKarM.net
Member of the Steam Translation Server (French Team).
I also work on the Steamworks Development.

[G]ood [L]uck & [H]ave [F]un