aRscHKaRte  id: 507080
CPU AMD Athlon 3500+ 64
RAM 1024 MB PC 400 OCZ Platinum
Videocard MSI 6800GT PCI-Express
Soundcard Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Elite Pro
Storage 2 x 200 GB S-ATA Raid 0
Motherboard Asus A8N SLI Nforce4 Deluxe
Display BenQ 19" TFT
OS WinXP Home SP1
Mouse Logitech MX 510
Mousepad Slick Ride Surface
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Medusa 5.1
Connection T-DSL 1000
Handheld(s) PSP
Drink Weizen
Food Käsespätzle
Movie Dawn of the Dead
Music Stahlmusik
Song Edguy - King of Fools
Book :x
Book author :x
Actor / Actress Irgend 'ne geile Sau halt :D
Car Mein 4er Golf <3
Sport Saufen
Athlete :x
Map Kharkov
Clan Nicht mit uns!
Player Ich
Game Hero nicht mit PZA!
Genre FPS
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
Hi, ich bin geil


/edit: Nach 100 Jahren BF erstmal Rente, bis dann!

BF42: since Release

BF2: since Release

Awards - BF42:

2. Gamestar Clanturnier 2003
2. Clanbase Opencup 2003
2. Clanbase Eurocup 2003
1. F7C Leaguez Cup 2004
1. Leaguez BF42 Cup 2004

Awards - BF2:

- with Utopianer.bf2

1. ESL Democup 2005
1. EPS Quali Cup 2005
1. ESL Big Teams Cup 2005
1. SSV Lehnitz Cup 2005
1. TWL BF2 Cup 2005
1. Leaguez BF2 Cup 2005
3. Community Event 2005
1. ECL Raptor Gaming Cup 2005
1. EPS-Saison VII BF2 ungeschlagen beendet
1. EPS-Saison VII Finals

- with HFD.bf2

2. WWCL/GSL Finals 2006
4. EPS Season VIII BF2

- with a-Losers.BF 2

2. BF2 Clanbase Eurocup 2006
2. Twinloc Lan BF 2 2006
3. Twinloc Lan BF 2142 2006
1. Slaughterhouse 14 BF2 8on8 2006
3. Slaughterhouse 14 BF2 4on4 Inf 2006
2. EPS BF2 Season IX

Greetings: Eloy, Doom, Baddie, Chris (1337, vielleicht)