lahire  id: 5120875
CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Prozessor 6000+ 3.1 Ghz
Videocard ATI Radeon HD 4670
Soundcard G35 Gaming Headset
Storage 2 x 500 GB SA-TA
Motherboard GIGABYTE
Display Philips 22"
OS Windows 7
Antivirus Avira Antivir
CD/DVD 2 x DVD Brenner
Mouse Logitech G9x
Mousepad Logitech MW3 Edition
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection DSL 1 GBit
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Wingman Formula Force
Joypad Logitech Sidewinder
TV Interne Satelliten-Karte
Console(s) Nintendo 64
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S4
Drink Bier
Food Nudeln
Book author Tom Clany R.I.P
Person TL
Actor / Actress Mel Gibson
Car Ford Scorpio
Sport Fußball
Athlete Ryan Giggs
Map dod_argentan, dod_harrington
Clan 11th Airborne Division
Player RC-1138 "Boss"
Game Hero La_Hire
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Klon-Republic-Commando
Genre Shooter
Console Nintendo 64
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
aim with the hand,
shoot with the mind,
kill with a heart like arctic ice



1st Place on United Warfare Realism League #2 with "11th Airborne Dvision"
1st Place on United Warfare Realism League #4 with "11th Airborne Dvision"
1st Place on ESL DoD:S 1on1 Ladder EU
1st Place on ESL DoD:S Bundesliga 16 with "Luger: Acht mal Tod"
1st Place on ESL DoD:S Bundesliga 17 with "RenameD*Gaming DoD:S"
1st Place on ESL DoD:S Spring League 2014 with "RenameD*Gaming DoD:S"
2nd Place on United Warfare Realism League #3 with "11th Airborne Dvision"
2nd Place on ESL DoD:S Herbstcup #7 with "Team La_Hire"
3rd Place on ESL DoD:S Spring League 2012 4th Division with "recap.N!tr0"
3rd Place on ESL DoD:S 3on3 Nightcup #6 with "INVICTUS 3on3"
3rd Place on DODFRANCE Night Cup #3 with "recap.N!tr0"
Quarterfinals on ESL DoD:S 6on6 Deutscher Staedte Cup with "DoD:S - Berlin"
Quarterfinals on ESL DoD:S 2on2 Fruehlingsliga 2012 with "INVICTUS 2on2"
Quarterfinals on ESL DoD:S Bundesliga 4th Division with "recap.N!tr0"
Quarterfinals on ESL DoD:S Herbscupseries #1 with "Team La_Hire"


1st Place on LANschaft #22 FIFA14 1on1
2nd Place on G36 LAN LoL 3on3 with "LAN Heroes"
3rd Place on G36 LAN CSS 5on5 with "LAN Heroes"
3rd Place on G36 LAN LoL 5on5 with "LAN Heroes"
4th Place on G36 LAN FIFA13 1on1
4th Place on LANSCHAFT #22 LoL 5on5
4th Place on LANSCHAFT #22 CSGO 2on2


Counter Strike: Global Offensive:

- HSO (Philopher, TerryG, TomG, Marty)
- Team Illusion (cop, CIVIK, Boyca, Nez)
- Team Black Dragons eSports (CIVIK, cRayon, w0ot, SkeleZ, Kealimo)

Day of Defeat: Source:

- 11th Airborne Division
- wild.boyz
- imgaming.II
- place2be.dods
- recap.N!tr0
- Team La_Hire
- Div. Edelweiss Electus
- iMagine.gaming
- ssd.eSports Blue / Luger: Acht mal Tod
- RenameD*Gaming DoD:S

legendary 11th AB Scrimstats


longest winstrike: 84