Max 'Maxx' Miller  id: 5218115
CPU i7 10700k 3.8ghz 8 core
RAM 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance pro 3200mhz
Videocard Asus RTX 2070 super
Soundcard N/A
Storage Samsung 850 EVO 500GB + 120GB
Motherboard Asus rog strix mini atx
Display AOC 1920x1080p 144hz
OS Windows 10 pro 64bit
Mouse Razer Deathadder Elite
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Medium
Keyboard Razer Black Widow Ultimate
Headphones Razer Kraken Ultimate
Mobile Phone Iphone xs
Music Hip-hop / Dnb / Dubstep / 2step
Sport Football

Some frags

1v1 Online Achievements

Black ops 1

#1st Search and Destroy winter cup

Modern Warfare 3

#1st Search and Destroy EU Ladder
#1st Search and destory Night Cup
#1st Search and Destroy MP5 Only Cup
#1st Search and destroy Scar Only Cup

#2nd Deathmatch L118A Only Cup
#2nd Deathmatch Knife Only cup
#2nd Deathmatch Sniper Only Cup

#3rd Deathmatch Deagle only Cup

Black ops 2

#1st Search and Destory EU Ladder
#1st Deathmatch EU Ladder
#1st Tac-45 SND Only Cup
#1st Ballista DM only Cup

#2nd Deathmatch Cup

#3rd Deathmatch Cup

Lans Attended

- Gamonlive. Leivin,France