Oto 'ALIGATOR_OTO' Mataradze  id: 5233759
CPU i7 2600K 3.4 GHz 8 CPUs
RAM Corsair Vengeance Blue 16 GB DDR3
Videocard EVGA GeForce GTX460 SE 1 GB GDDR5
Soundcard Creative Sound Blaster
Storage SSD 60 GB HDD 1 TB
Motherboard ASUS P8P67 LGA
Display Asus ML228H 22 inch 2 M/s LED
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
Antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials
CD/DVD Asus DVD/RW LightScribe
Mouse Microsoft Explorer Mouse
Keyboard Microsoft Sidewinder X6 Gaming Keyboard
Headphones Beats by dr DRE Studio
Connection GeLink 50 MB/s
Wheel/Pedals Gembird
Joypad Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
TV Samsung UE-46ES8000
Sound system Kenwood Stereo System
Mobile Phone Motorola EX119
Drink B52
Food Khinkali :D
Movie Shooter, Inside Man, The Pursuit of Happyness
Actor / Actress Denzel Washington,Will Smith
Car Audi A4 3.0 Quattro
Sport Football
Athlete Jürgen Klinsmann