Роман 'quatro' Волошин  id: 5255065
CPU i7 2600k
RAM 8/1333
Videocard msi ngtx570
Soundcard gf110
Storage st2000dl003-9vt166
Motherboard z68a-g43
Display nwx2243
OS win7sp1 x86
CD/DVD gh22ns70
Mouse a4 x7 F5
Mousepad steelseries qck starcraft 2 editon
Keyboard x7 g800
Headphones c&t
Connection dsl 100 Mbit/sec
Joypad steelseries 3gc
Sound system 2.0/ 2.1
Console(s) ps1 / ps2 / psp
Mobile Phone se w890i
Drink h20
Food banan
Movie Fast and the furious
Music dnb
Car koenigsegg agera r 2013
Sport Street Workout
Athlete hannibal for king
Map crash
Player froz
Genre race / shooter / fps/ tps