Guillaume 'sEnsqZ' Yolo  id: 5361828
CPU Intel Core i5 3450 # 3.50 GHz.
RAM (G.Skill)Extreme3 8GO # 1600 MHz
Videocard (Sapphire)HD 7870 2GO
Soundcard (Creative)X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro
Storage (OCZ) Vertex 4 | 128GO
Motherboard (MSI)MSI H77MA-G43
Display Samsung SyncMaster S23A750D
OS Windows NT 6.1 (V.1)
Antivirus Kaspersky 2012
CD/DVD Cloud ?
Mouse SteelSeries Sensei # 5700 ppp
Mouse Skatez SteelSeries too
Mousepad Razer DESTRUCTOR
Keyboard Apple Keyboard :)
Headphones Seinheiser PC360 G4ME
Connection Numéricable 200 Méga
Wheel/Pedals # F*CK
Joypad # F*CK
Sound system Logitech 2.1
Console(s) PS3
Handheld(s) Also Apple iPhone 4S White
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone 4S White
Drink Gin + Schweppes agrumes
Food Shirashi box
Movie N0, manga :D
Music I Can Only Imagine
Song I Can Only Imagine too
Book Game Of Thrones
Book author Philip Pullman
Person memememememememememe
Actor / Actress Tori Black
Car Bentley Continental GT V8
Sport HandBall
Athlete Usain Bolt
Map Classics Maps
Player memememememememememe
Game Hero Emiya Kiritsugu
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) so Humans
Genre Manga :D
Console PS3 too
# dieLEERTASTE to insert a space between two words in a message trigger some headshots.
- since 2k10
- Je tenais à vous dire, chers joueurs de l'ESL, que le F34R de moi ne vous évitera pas la défaite, tel que la peur n'évite pas le D4NG3R.

.sEnsq[A]z/3443 ..

> fan ?, no ..
überF4N !!