Tiago 'mALO' Lagariço  id: 5363443
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz 8 CPUs
RAM 12 Gb
Videocard GTX 1060
Storage 250Gb SSD
Motherboard ASUS P6T SE
Display HP OMEN 144hz
OS Win 10
Mousepad Roccat TAITO
Keyboard BG FOX
Headphones SADES 911 7.1
Connection 130Mb fiber
Drink Water
Athlete C.Ronaldo
Map Killhouse(COD4)
Player Shroud
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orcs
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.youtube.com/us..
Website 2 http://www.cybergamer.org..
Website 3 http://it.xfire.com/profi..
Website 4 http://www.twitch.tv/malo..
Click more for my Biography

I started playing online at mohaa in 2k03 , then i moved to COD 1 played it alot but i was too young to attend lans .When COD 2 came out i was a bit disapointed with the mechanics of the game and i kept playing COD1.
When COD4 was realeased i play it since day 1i had loads of fun playng in hardcore back then but i was looking for something more competitive and i played some Clanbase matches ultil it started to die ,because of corrupt admins.
Cybergamer was born and i start playing it with some serious team which played this game in a different way of i was used to
i learned the new way of play very fast in 2k11 i was voted 3rd best SMG by the portuguese COD community.

In 2k12 i played with a old invite player WZZ he tought me loads of thing that i didnt knew due to the level of the teams i played against. Unfortunaly we didnt had a good line up to take things foward. Latter in that year i started a team with pistolas we formed FTW we reached top 6 cga we stayed there for a while but a invite team aproched our scope brO and the team stop playng there. Later this year i started playng some mix with brO team and they had one inactive player ,so i ask them if they wanted to try me as an smg ,thats how i got into my best team at the date "VAV".

Portugal National team - (ArTiC,EAZY,Fox,me,MFKR,Mut1,pNDDD,SKELETON)

CoD4 Teams:

-VAV (me,Saint,brO,EAZY,NORTENHO) cgi/cgm
-FTW (me,pistolas,bRO,p1k4,d0x) top 6 cga
-FTW (me,pistolas,wzz,p1k4,d0x) top 10 cga
-vENOM (me,pistolas,wzz,trauma,hasty) top 40 cga
-vENOM (me,pistolas,sekeira,ultras,wzz) top 60 cga
-eQualite (me,pistolas,sense,exlaxl,banzai) - top50cga

LAN results:

8# - XLPARTY2010
6# - XLPARTY2011
1# - BeneditaLANPARTY
1# - OCP2013

Personal awards:
First Lan attended in 2k10
#3 SMG in Portugal 2k11
#1 SMG in Portugal 2k12