Hardware | |
CPU | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
RAM | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Videocard | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Soundcard | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Storage | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Motherboard | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Display | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
OS | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Antivirus | WWW AntiVirus |
CD/DVD | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Mouse | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Mouse Skatez | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Mousepad | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Keyboard | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Headphones | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Connection | X-Fire |
Sound system | Auto |
Mobile Phone | iPhone |
Favourite... | |
Map | Tantive IV (SWBF2), Ettenöden (HdRO) |
Clan | Aquila, RAP7URE, PhaceIt, ETERNITY |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Waffenmeister (r12) / Kriegsanführer (r13) |
Console | Gaming PC Komplett Set (High) |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.lekktrozz.de |
Website 2 | http://www.lekktrozz.com |
Website 3 | http://www.lekktrozz.net |
Website 4 | http://www.lotro.com |
Vergiss Sicherheit. Lebe, wo du fürchtest zu leben. Zerstöre deinen Ruf. Sei berüchtigt. - Rumi (persischer Mystiker und Dichter) Memory of the best SWBF2 Player on the World! |