lekktrozZ-7  id: 5370461
CPU Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
RAM Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Videocard Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Soundcard Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Storage Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Motherboard Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Display Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
OS Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Antivirus WWW AntiVirus
CD/DVD Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Mouse Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Mouse Skatez Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Mousepad Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Keyboard Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Headphones Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Connection X-Fire
Sound system Auto
Mobile Phone iPhone
Map Tantive IV (SWBF2), Ettenöden (HdRO)
Clan Aquila, RAP7URE, PhaceIt, ETERNITY
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Waffenmeister (r12) / Kriegsanführer (r13)
Console Gaming PC Komplett Set (High)
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.lekktrozz.de
Website 2 http://www.lekktrozz.com
Website 3 http://www.lekktrozz.net
Website 4 http://www.lotro.com
Vergiss Sicherheit. Lebe, wo du fürchtest zu leben. Zerstöre deinen Ruf. Sei berüchtigt.
- Rumi (persischer Mystiker und Dichter)

Memory of the best SWBF2 Player on the World!