Simon 'RainmaN' Wiedemann  id: 538342

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- Mixed
Core Member of the World Wide Championship of LAN Gaming
PR and Promotion for GameSports
Projectleader at the eSports Magazine
Team Manager for Impolite

- Elite Force
EF CTF Player for Core of Madness
EF CTF Player for new World order
EF CTF Player for The Dark Side - Clan
Founder and Headadmin of the BarrysWorld Elite Force League
Founder and Headadmin of the NetGames UK Elite Force League
Public Server Admin for BarrysWorld
Public Server Admin for Gamesinferno
Public Server Admin for NetGames UK
Leader of Federation Intelligence
Supervisor of the Clanbase Elite Force Cup

- Quake 3
Q3 CTF Player for Team EiSregen

- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Administrator of
Headadmin RtCW for Clanbase
Headadmin RtCW for the german kuh3liga
Headadmin RtCW for the World Wide Championship of LAN Gaming
PR and Promotion for the German RtCW Nationalteam
Manager of the German RtCW Nationalteam
RtCW Mainorga at n!faculty
RtCW Mainorga at ping of dead
Supervisor of the Clanbase RtCW EuroCup
Supervisor of the Clanbase RtCW NationsCup

- Tribes 2
T2 CTF Player for The Dark Side - Clan