Hardware | |
CPU | 7000++ AMD FX X2 |
RAM | 4GB Kingston DDR3 @ Quadchannel |
Videocard | Radeon 3850 Deluxe Series |
Storage | 500 In + 300 Ex @ Seagate Inc. |
Motherboard | Gigabyte AM2+ Deluxe Series |
Display | 24" Asus W2 Series |
OS | Windows XP/Linux Debian |
Mouse | MX510 Deluxe Red Edition |
Mouse Skatez | ^^ is was für b0bs :D |
Mousepad | Tisch? |
Keyboard | Logitec |
Headphones | Sennheiser |
Connection | DSL 2k @ Bullshit |
Wheel/Pedals | Sparco natürlich... |
TV | Plasma @ |
Sound system | 10KW |
Console(s) | Tamagotschi |
Handheld(s) | ? |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Campari Orange,b52,Porter |
Food | Krokodil, Steak á Four |
Movie | Blow,Fear and Loathing in L.V.,Band of Brothers |
Music | Hardtekk/Break/Splitter, Melodic Punk/ Hardcore |
Song | Placebo - Meds / Lagwagon - Choke |
Person | Mutti! |
Car | Golf 4 TDI @ Mein Auto :I |
Sport | DJ |
Athlete | Mike Cale |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_nuke,de_torn,backlot,pipeline |
Clan | hm? |
Player | Stefan! |
Game Hero | 4 Horseman @ Naxx |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Zerg natürlich... |
Genre | Mord & Massaker |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.130bpm.eu |
Website 2 | http://www.team-Gathering.. |
inaktiv!? :( beeing back after Army. Inaktiv? Thx to: #hfd / biowar / eSports.deutschland - sCale #hfd - Firefox #pro - Gaming - Nina #team - Gathering - Ulle #roxx - International - Pusaij #tfed - Nik #esu - Koff #FFz - Ingo #aNal - Schuebli #n!faculty - Sabotage #x-rats - atomic #x-rats - Viper #BCE - core ... und alle die ich vergessen habe :D R.I.P. gute alte Zeit :) #Oldsql > Rest |