Qu1ckyx  id: 5639545
RAM 4Go Kingston
Videocard ATI 5770 RADEON VTX
Soundcard Chipset
Storage Samsung 500 Go
Motherboard MSI G44M-P26
Display Hyundai 22"
OS Windows 7
Antivirus Avira
Mouse RAZER Lachesis 5600
Keyboard Logitech DeLuxe 250
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection Free 10m
Mobile Phone BlackBerry Curve 8520
Drink BuRn
Movie Notre Jour Viendra
Music Drum&Bass
Song Camo&Krooked-Cross The Line
Games: CoD 4, CoD : MW2 aIW, League Of Legend
Skill: Low+/- [] ; Med+/- [x] ; High []
Weapons: AK [x] ; AK74 [x] ; Scope [] ; Shotgun []
Ready Insalan and Epsilan :D