Philipp 'han' Wienholt  id: 569733
CPU Intel i5 3570k
RAM 8 GB Corsair Vengeance
Videocard AMD VTX3D 7950 X-Edition Boost
Soundcard ASUS Xonar Phoebus ROG Edition
Storage ADATA SSD 128GB, Samsung SSD 256GB
Motherboard ASRock z77 pro3
Display ASUS VG248QE Gaming
OS Windows 8
Antivirus Bacardi, desinfiziert alles
CD/DVD BenQ DvD und Brenner
Mouse Logitech G5
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Steelseries 9HD
Keyboard Gigabyte Aivia
Headphones QPAD 90-H
Connection Kabel DE 100 MBit/s
Wheel/Pedals im Auto ja..
Joypad ne aber en Wii Controller
TV Samsung 42"
Sound system Logitech Z4
Console(s) Sony PS3
Handheld(s) Asus Nexus 7
Mobile Phone LG Nexus 4
Drink Long Island Icetea
Food Austern und Froschschenkel
Movie Iron Man
Music House, Metal
Song Geht's noch
Book Sophie's Welt
Book author Jostein Gaarder
Person Meine Mum
Actor / Actress George Clooney, Brad Pitt
Sport Fussball
Athlete Cristiano Ronaldo
Map de_train
Clan Ninja's in Pyjamas
Player vilden, riZo, syrox
Game Hero Link (Zelda)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Blood Elves
Genre Ego - Shooter, Strategie, Roleplaygames
Console Nintendo64
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
'07 ESL Pro Series X - Team: Gamepoint Online
'09 ESL BalkanLeague II - Team: MixTeam. Rank.4
'12 4PL.Pro League CSGO - Team: LeiSuRe

Watch me @ Twitch or Youtube



riCo, xtrmZ, niteniK, hannibal, han

Day of Defeat:

Last Clan Standing ( LCS ), Hell's Army ( HsA ), Team Rheinland-Pfalz


Team Egamespoint, The Next Generation, GMPO, Wild Lions, Versus.Pro

LAN Decoration

LANarena10 5on5.CS:Source - Rank.2 (Prove.CSS)
Fighternight7 5on5.CS:Source - Rank.4 (x-plicit)
LANarena11 5on5.CS:Source - Rank.3 (sK.Xenonserver)
LANarena11 2on2.CS:Source - Rank.2 (Han und Reason)
Terminal13 5on5.CS:Source - Rank.4 ( The Next Generation )

Inet Decoration

Rank.1 - Clanbase Euro Cup (DoD) with Last Clan Standing
Rank.1 - Clanbase 6on6 German Ladder (DoD) with Hell's Army
Participated for the Regionalteam - Team Rheinland-Pfalz.DoD
Rank.3 - ESL Amateur Series 1on1 1.Division
Rank.1 - ESL Amateur Series 5on5 1.Division ( The Next Generation / Team Dignified )
Rank.3 - ESL DoD:S 6on6 Spring 2009 Open Cup with Kinetics
Rank.3 - Clanbase DoD:S 6on6 Spring 2009 Open Cup with Kinetics

ESL Pro Series IX Qualification - CS:Source
ESL Pro Series X - CS:Source
ESL Balkan League Season II -CS:Source
ESL Pro Series 2012 Relegation - CSGO
4PL.Pro League I - CSGO


Rikul, riZo, Old TNG.css [vassili, primax, mindstorm, katmanDo], leNso, L!z4rD, meiJIn, Flash, m4son, gRmml, Reason, micha'shL, Cormo, Cosmo, copa, G! alias Baris der RadiostaR, xiu, deso, KeRn, Kessel, Morpheus, Hates_Me, Mikl, knaXx, darkii, Psy, raFFy, Heador, cRo, Fredi N. alias Klobi, Boss...