Michał 'Ryu Makkuro' Wanżewicz  id: 5820620
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 1,86GHz (OC 3,0GHz)
RAM 2GB OCZ 1066MHz + 1GB OCZ 800MHz
Videocard MSI GTX460 1GB OC
Storage WD Caviar Blue 500GB 7200rpm 16mb
Motherboard GIGABYTE EP31-DS3L rev. 2.1
Display LG FLATRON L1718S 17"
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Antivirus Norton Internet Security 2011
Mouse Razer Abyssus
Keyboard Microsoft Curve Keyboard
Connection 2 Mb/s
Wheel/Pedals Genius TwinWheel
Joypad Dualshock 3
Sound system 2.1
Console(s) Playstation, Playstation 2
Handheld(s) PSP
Mobile Phone Nokia 6210 Navigator
Movie Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete
Music Rock
Song DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames
Book Art of War (Sztuka Wojny)
Person Colin Mcrae
Actor / Actress Angelina Jolie
Car Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR
Sport WRC
Map Rosewood
Game Hero Cloud Strife
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Dragons
Genre jRPG
Console PS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://ryumakkuro.deviant..
Website 2 http://www.youtube.pl
Website 3 http://www.mangastream.co..
Website 4 http://www.gram.pl