Fabiano 'kunkkaralho' Martins Alves  id: 5842887
CPU AMD Phenom II X6 Black Edition
RAM 2x8gb
Videocard Nvidia GeForce 970GTX
Soundcard N/A
Storage N/A
Display Acer Predator Wide
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Microsoft Security Essencials
Mouse HyperX Pulse
Mouse Skatez N/A
Mousepad Asus ROG
Keyboard G.SKILL Ripjaws RGB Mechanical
Headphones Asus ROG Theta 7.1
Connection N/A
Wheel/Pedals N/A
Joypad N/A
Sound system N/A
Console(s) Nintendo Switch
Handheld(s) N/A
Mobile Phone N/A
Drink Whisky+Red Bull
Food Francesinha
Movie The Departed
Music Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Song N.I.B
Book The GodFather
Book author Mario Puzo
Person No one in particular
Actor / Actress Will Smith / Natalie Portman
Car Ford Mustang
Sport Football
Athlete Vitor Baia
Map Olympus
Player N0Tail
Game Hero Leon Scott Kennedy
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Druid
Genre Fps / MOBA
Console Nintendo Switch
Favourite Websites
Website 1 https://www.twitch.tv/kun..
Website 2 https://www.youtube.com/u..
Website 3 https://twitter.com/kunkk..
Average guy in an average world, enjoying the average stuff of an average life... With some good friends, real or not, even if I never was that creative.