Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Phenom II X4 965 |
RAM | A-DATA DIMM 4 GB DDR3-1333 Kit |
Videocard | Sapphire HD4890 HDMI |
Soundcard | Mein headset is cool! |
Storage | zuviele |
Motherboard | Asus M4A78T-E |
Display | 22" Flat Samsung und nen 19"ler |
OS | Windows7 |
Mouse | Logitech mx518 |
Mousepad | MANTIS |
Keyboard | Cherry ^^ |
Headphones | Sennheiser 155 USB |
Connection | VDSL50 |
Console(s) | PS, PS2, N64 ^^, Super Ni :D, 360 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Gin Tonic |
Food | n' dÖner / PeppaOwnie Pizza |
Movie | z.B. The Boondock Saints |
Music | Metal / Rock |
Song | knocking on heavens door |
Book | Kamasutra |
Book author | Buchautor ... ka -.- |
Person | Mr. STFU |
Actor / Actress | Jean Reno |
Sport | BodyBuilding, Laufen |
Athlete | Hunter Hearst Helmsly |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_prodigy, cs_gym |
Player | (: |
Game Hero | :) |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | òO |
Genre | Shooter |
Console | Xbox 360 |
PRIEST 3:16 SAYS : YO ... I AM THE GAME!! Look over your shoulder, ready to run. Like a good little bitch, from a smokin gun. I am the game and I make the rules. So move on out here and die like a fool. Try to figure out what my moods gonna be. Come on over sucker, why don't you ask me? Don't you forget that the price you can pay Cause I am the game and I want to play.... ESL Pro Series EPS IX Quali. #17 EPS IX - GMPO #14 EPS Relegation Season XI mit GMPO #3 EPS XI - GMPO #12 EPS XII - eingesehen das es nicht viel bringt und (erstmal) inaktiv gegangen .. wer weiss wer weiss .. ^^ loswerden tut man mich eh nie :D ESL Cups: 9th - DLM CS:S Season 1 (TEAM BAYERN) 7th - DLM CS:S Season 2 (TEAM BAYERN) 2nd - ESL CZ Opening Cup [hall of fame] 8th - ESL CS:S Opening Cup #1 Cups (2on2) mortsubite cup - #1 (2on2) night cup - #1 (2on2) wemake cup - #2 (2on2) High Dynamic cup - #1 .. sonst noch paar ka lust mehr -.- Liga Rankings (5on5) Giga-Liga #1 (2on2) Giga-Liga #1 (5on5) ESL EAS 1. Div #1 (5on5) ESL MR 12 #1 (2on2) ESL EAS 1. Div #2 (2on2) ESL MR 12 #3 (5on5) CAL EM - #1 Ungeschlagen .. sonst noch paar ka lust mehr -.- Kp so paar Cups halt :> Yeah 2 Jahre ESL Mitglied ^^ ex Clans ... jooo Helix, Optixx, frantic, n-gaming, kiwiculture.. aeh.. blubb .. Ocrana, StarAiming, Dignified, Speed-Link, Gamepoint Online .. ach schaut in mein log :D!!! >> C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot, C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg. << |