B_ 'KAMi' _K  id: 638339

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Eines Tages komme ich zurück -
und dann hau ich euch alle um!
*schluchtz* :-D
jk, ich komm' nicht mehr! 8-D

It was the Veteran, not the reporter, who has
given us freedom of the press.
It was the Veteran, not the poet, who has
given us freedom of speech.
It was the Veteran, not the lawyer, who has
given us the right to a fair trial.
It was the Veteran, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the Veteran who salutes the flag,
who served under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
All gave some, some gave all.
(Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, Sergeant, USMC)