Hannes 'h0rZa' Pichler  id: 640849
CPU Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700
RAM 2 x 1 Gbyte OCZ 1066Mhz
Videocard XTX 8800GTS 640Mbyte
Soundcard Realtek
Storage 4 x Maxtor 640 MByte 7200 rpm / Raid 5
Motherboard Gigabyte P35 - DS4
Display Samsung 226BW ... 22"
OS Windows XP
Mouse Logitech G5
Mousepad Steelpad S&S
Keyboard New Logitech G15 Keyboard
Connection NGI 4 Mbit FAST
TV Sharp 32" LCD
Sound system Logitech X-540
Drink Acqua
Food Italiano
Movie The Lord of the Rings
Book Meteor
Book author Dan Brown
Map de_dust2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.progaming.it
Website 2 http://www.gameserver.it
Website 3 http://www.google.com
professional gaming is over ... but real skill never dies ;)

ex master league admin @ italy

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