gRt  id: 645030
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
RAM 1 Gb
Videocard ATI Readon 1950XT
Soundcard ka :)
Storage 250 Gb, 180Gb, 120Gb
Motherboard Asus
Display Philips 19 Zoll
OS XP Home
CD/DVD DVD-brenn0r
Mouse Logitech G5 und Mx 510
Mousepad eXactMat Xcontrol
Keyboard Logitech ka
Headphones Sennheiser PC150
Connection Hansenet 16000 + fp
Drink Hella Wellness
Food Mc D. und STEAK!
Movie SAW 1-3
Music Nu-metal; Metal;....
Song Faint
Book ......wayne
Book author wayne
Person wayne
Actor / Actress ka
Car pfff....
Sport Fußball!
Athlete Aufjeden!
Map de_inferno; de_dust2; de_train
Clan atm nichts---icq steht ja :)
Player spawN; HeatoN
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) untoter
Genre Ego shooter; Rollenspiel
Favourite Websites
Website 1
They know I got that broccoli, so I keep that glock on me

w00t? hae_^?

kack bobs