Petar 'Nerthus' Kordic  id: 6565355
CPU Intel Core i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Soundcard People buy these?
Storage 1TB HDD + 256GB SDD M.2
Motherboard ASUS Z170 - Pro Gaming
Display BenQ XL2411Z 144Hz 24'' Gaming Monitor
OS Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Antivirus Don't browse gay porn or dark web so don't need!
CD/DVD Optical drives are very relevant nowadays, kappa
Mouse Logitech G500s; and 10 more that are half-working
Mouse Skatez Soz, I don't skate. I played Tony Hawk on PS1 tho..
Mousepad Sharkoon Black Mat; or my mum's kitchen apron!
Keyboard E-Blue Mazer Special-OPS XL
Headphones Sharkoon H30 Shark Zone
Connection Pretty decent and stable
Wheel/Pedals No good games out there to buy a damn wheel bro
Joypad Too much is too much..
TV It's big and black, but it's not thick (XD LUL)
Sound system Havit 2.1 (Subwoofer)
Console(s) Playstation1 the only real true console fof!!!1
Handheld(s) Pls
Mobile Phone Nokia 3310
Drink Domestic alcoholic beverages like RAKIJA
Food After eating it all comes down to one thing anyway
Movie A lot
Music ArcMnkys, OMaM, ImDragons, RHCP, Gigi D'Ag, CHarr..
Song There are too many
Book Rarely read; SF or fantasy genre is ftw
Book author Any SF/Fantasy writers really
Person Myself
Actor / Actress A loooooot
Car Zastava 101 aka STOJADIN (oseti snagu \o/)
Sport Football!! Hajduk Split and Barcelona <3
Athlete Many inspiring ones out there
Map Real world
Clan TSM/Fnatic I guess
Player Me, me, me, PICK ME!!!
Game Hero Fiddlesticks/Lucio is what you wanna hear, right?
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Rrrr sexy gnomes mmm :*
Genre Any genre works if it's well down
Console PS1 master-race
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
On links below you will find all the relevant information regarding my gaming history and achievements. Contact me for any questions/offers. Thanks!
Or visit the same wiki but /hearthstone/ for that particular game.

I'm my mother's and father's unique and brilliant piece of work. Yes, that is more or less all you need to know.. Unless you are a hot busty chick, then you can know a lot more.

Also for a bit of showcase;

Detailed list of achievements/tournament results:
(link broken so removed, more than 100 tournaments won, PM me for specific information)


Yolo cheers