Hardware | |
CPU | AMD X2 64 3800+ |
RAM | 2GB |
Videocard | ATI 1900 XTX |
Soundcard | Soun Blaster X-FYFatality |
Storage | 2 X Raptor 150gb + 2 WD da 120gb |
Motherboard | ASUS |
Display | 1 HP 22"crt + 1 Samsung 17"lcd |
OS | Win xP |
CD/DVD | ,aster DVD Pioneeer+ lettore LG |
Mouse | razer diamondblack |
Mousepad | n funk |
Keyboard | logitech g15 |
Headphones | no |
Connection | ngi f4 2mb |
Wheel/Pedals | no |
Joypad | no |
TV | no |
Sound system | creative 5.1 |
Console(s) | no |
Handheld(s) | no |
Favourite... | |
Drink | acqua |
Food | petto di pollo |
Movie | il signore degli anelli |
Music | lounge |
Song | no |
Book author | no |
Person | Me stesso |
Actor / Actress | no |
Car | mondeo |
Sport | fitness |
Favourite... | |
Map | cbble |
Clan | CRY |
Player | IO |
Game Hero | Stermy |
Genre | FPS |
Console | no |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.cryrulez.net |
Website 2 | http://www.crystat.net |
Website 3 | http://www.cryshop.net |
Website 4 | http://www.crylan.net |
Online gamer since '98, played most of the FPS that came out since then, RTS fan, site and servers admin of CRY, cultural association for the promotion of the netgaming =www.associazione.net=. Organizer Fragmarathon Lanparty - facebook.com/fragmarathon |