Fabi 'FlasH' T.  id: 695898
CPU AMD 2800+
RAM 1024 DDR - Ram
Videocard GeForce NX 6200
Motherboard Asus A7N8X - Deluxe
Display 17" TFT
OS XP pro
Mouse Logitech MX510
Mouse Skatez Nope :(
Mousepad mTw - pad
Keyboard Logitech
Connection Adsl
Drink Wasser
Movie Hai - Alarm auf Mallorca mit Ralf Möller
Music alles, außer Hip Hop :p
Song viele
Person Mama
Actor / Actress Ralf "die Spritze" Möller, Tom Hanks, Cameron Di..
Sport Fussball
Athlete Jan Ullrich, Rene Weller, JDT
Map QT 68
Player FlasH
Game Hero Tommy Angelo
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humans
Console Nintendo 64
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.wissen.de
Website 2 http://www.esl-europe.net
Website 3 http://www.vfb-stuttgart...
Website 4 http://www.google.de
hallo :P

◙ Awards

► 2. Platz ESL 8on8+ Int. ⇒ Law and Order.bfv

► 2. Platz eXe - Tunier ⇒ Law and Order.bfv

► 3. Platz EAS / ESL ⇒ Law and Order.bfv

► 3. Platz LigaHQ ⇒ Law and Order.bfv

► 3. Platz Worldtournament ⇒ Ministry of Gamers