sLnT  id: 699944
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
RAM 4096 DDR2
Videocard GeForce GTX 470
Soundcard SB X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro
Storage 3x Samsung 4TB
Motherboard ASUS
Display Samsung P2450H 24"
OS Windows 7 Prof. x64
Antivirus bitdefender Gamesafe
CD/DVD Jo! ,Hab ich
Mouse Roccat Kone
Mouse Skatez SteelSeries Slide MS
Mousepad SteelSeries SX
Keyboard Saitek Cyborg
Headphones Sennheiser PC-350
Connection T-DSL 16Mbit
Wheel/Pedals wayne? oO
Joypad PS2 Pad
Sound system AIWA
Console(s) Wii, PS2
Handheld(s) DS
Drink Kölsch, Sex on the Beach, Tequilla
Food Pizza, Kartoffelgratin
Movie The Butterfly Effect, Saving Pvt. Ryan
Music House, Dance, Rock
Song zu viele
Book Der dunkle Turm Saga
Book author Stephen King
Person Mel meine fluse <3
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis, Edwart Norton
Car Porsche Cayenne
Sport e-Sports, BBall, Eis-Hockey
Map de_nuke
Clan aTTaX
Player mooN, miniR
Game Hero Link & Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undead
Genre Shooter, Strategie
Console Wii
Oldsql since Beta

We had a really good time on 1.5: