Ivo 'pp4e' Mladenov  id: 702158
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2x2,6
RAM Super-T 2 GB 800 mhz DDR2
Videocard Sapphir Ati radeon x1950 pro 512 DDR3
Soundcard in Motherboard
Storage 400GB
Motherboard Foxconn
Display Samsung 795 DF 17
OS windows xp
Mouse Logitech MX 500
Mouse Skatez n/a
Mousepad Steel 4d
Keyboard Delux
Headphones Labtech LVA-8550 + mic
Connection 1M+
TV Samsung
Sound system Samsung
Console(s) PSP
Drink juice
Food beans
Movie i have justice for all
Music all :D
Song LP - runaway
Book n/a
Book author Stephen King
Person n/a
Actor / Actress n/a
Car lexus
Sport basketball
Athlete n/a
Map de_nuke
Clan old BHS(xpd.man1a)
Player me :D
Game Hero Gabriel Knight
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Terans :)
Genre horror
Console psp
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://n/a
Website 2 http://n/a
Website 3 http://n/a
Website 4 http://n/a
I have justice for all

TrG.Team : IRC - server irc.unibg.org
channel : #trg.team
server : irc.quakenet.org
channel : #spawnraped my nick name : pp4e
BHS Clan : IRC - server irc.unibg.org
channel : #BHS.clan
BHS Clan : IRC - server irc.quakenet.org
channel : #BHS-Clan