Sebastian  id: 707602
CPU Apple iMac 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
RAM 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Videocard AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512MB
Storage 1 TB
Motherboard Apple Logic Board
Display 27 " Apple iMac
OS Mac OS X 10.9.2
Mouse Logitech MX 510
Mouse Skatez nein
Mousepad func surface black
Keyboard Apple Wiresless Keyboard
Headphones Philips SHP1900
Connection Unitymedia 100Mbit
Joypad Speedlink ThunderStrike
TV Samsung 32" LED
Sound system Logitech x230 2.1 System
Handheld(s) Gameboy Color
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone 4S
Drink Schwarzer Tee, Vanilla Coke
Food Nudeln
Music The Kooks, The Raconteurs, The White Stripes
Song The Kooks - Saboteur
Person Mareike <3
Map de_nuke, de_tuscan, de_russka
Game Hero Super Mario
Favourite Websites
Website 1
2013 Camera & Editor for ESL TV / Riot Games Season 3
2014 Editor for RTL Media Group

History: Beudel Sports 03 - 09