xeYon  id: 707711
CPU AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor 4x 3,40 GHZ
RAM 4096 MB DDR3
Videocard MSI R4890 Cyclone 1024MB DDR5/PCIE 256bit
Soundcard Keine
Storage 128gb Crucial C300 SSD + 2 Terrabyte Festplatten
Motherboard ASUS M4A77TD Pro
Display Iiyama 26°
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
Antivirus Avira Antivir Personal
CD/DVD vorhanden...
Mouse Razer Imperator 5600 DPI
Mouse Skatez Keine
Mousepad Razer Sphex Speedpad
Keyboard Trust
Headphones Creative Fatal1ty
Connection DSL 32000 Down 2000 Up
Wheel/Pedals Keine
Joypad Ps2 Controller Adapter
TV Na sicher
Sound system Fettes Teil
Console(s) PS2, PS3
Handheld(s) Gameboy Advanced
Mobile Phone Samsung
Drink Cola, Ice-Tea, Wodka...
Food Döner,Pizza and so on...
Movie American History X
Music R'n'B, Hip Hop und alles was mir gefällt...
Song At the Moment:
Book Allein in New York (oder so ähnlich^^)
Book author Keine Ahnung...
Person Mich!
Actor / Actress Will Smith
Car Honda
Sport Fussball
Athlete Kein Plan...
Map de_inferno
Clan SK-Gaming
Player SpawN
Game Hero Gordon Freeman...
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undead
Genre Shooter, MMORPG, Strategie, Sport, Hüpfkrabbel
Console PS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.esl-europe.de
Website 2 http://www.inVective-eSpo..
Website 3 http://www.cS-eXperT.de
Website 4 http://www.tut-gilde.de.m..
League of Legends Player :)

╔►◙ Summoner : xeYon (EU)
╠►◙ Status : Aktiv [√] Inaktiv [ ]
╠►◙ Skill : Low [ ] Low+ [] Mid [ ] High [√]
