stevenson  id: 710099
CPU Intel Pentium 4 3.2 ghZ
RAM 1024 ddr2
Videocard Ge Force GT 6800
Soundcard 7.1..... on board
Storage 2 Seagate 400 Gb
Motherboard Asus P5WD2 Premium
Display 17 zoll
OS XP system
Mouse mx 510
Mousepad GamersWear MTW speedpad
Keyboard Saitek
Headphones ceraTive
Connection ADSL
Drink Bier: Murauer, Stiegel, Wieselburger| Nightkiller
Food Alles was Gut schmeckt!
Movie Bad Boys,Superbad , Nur n.60 sekunden, Mindhunters
Music AC DC,Linkin Park, Fort Minor und sonst alles...
Song Dr. Dre feat Snoop Dogg --> Episode I
Book Es gibt viele Bücher!
Book author Stefan Zweig
Actor / Actress Nicolas Cage
Car Audi S4
Sport Fußball, American Fotball, Rugby
Athlete Andry Schevchenko
Map de_train, de_nuke
Clan Ultima Ratio bis in den Tot
Player SpaWn
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Tauren
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.cs.gamer-scene..
Website 3
Website 4
Aktiv und eigentlich zero
Aller Anfang ist leicht,
und die letzten Stufen
werden am schwersten und seltensten

16.Fkk Lan - 3rd Place zoocrew [1.6]
[W4]woodenLAN V - 2nd Place zoo.mix [1.6]
KD LAN 4 - 1st Place with zoo.mix [1.6]
Lan 4 Fun 2007 - 1st with zoocrew [1.6]
Dot Lan 07 - 4th Place with zoocrew [1.6]

[W4]woodenLAN V - 1st Place zoo.mix [css]
Ennsomnia 2006 - 1st Place m4.mix [css]

Hausrucklan - 2nd Place [Fifa07]
Dotlan 07 - 5th Place [Fifa07]
nur48er 22 - 2nd Place [Fifa08]