RaPtOr  id: 7417032
CPU Intel Core i7 11700
Videocard Gainward Geforce RTX 4060 OC
Storage SSD1- Kingston 1Tb NVME
Motherboard Asus Prime H510M-K R2.0 DDR4
Display AOC 24' KTC 27'
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Windows Defender
Mouse Reddragon Lonewolf
Mouse Skatez Genesis
Mousepad Havic
Keyboard Havic
Headphones Steelseries Artics
Connection LAN
Joypad Xbox 360
TV Samsung
Console(s) Xbox Series Controller
Mobile Phone Samsung
Drink Coca Cola
Food Hambuger
Movie Demon Slayer
Music Green Day
Song American Idiot
Book Tokyo Ghoul:re
Book author Sui Ishida
Actor / Actress Ryan Gosling
Car Volkswagen
Sport Swim
Map de_inferno
Clan Survey Corp.
Player f0rest and ramos
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humans
Favourite Websites
Website 1 https://myanimelist.net/a..
Website 2 https://csstats.gg/player..
Website 3 https://steamcommunity.co..
Website 4 https://www.tumblr.com/bl..
The hole world is in chess, any move can be the death of you, do anything expect remain where you started and you can't sure of your end.

RaPtOr / Balintoff: Hungary - Nyíregyhaza

Games:Counter Strike 1.6,Counter Strike Global Offenzive,Counter Strike Source,Call of Duty (4) Modern Warfare,World of Tanks.