BatelGeuce  id: 7439495
CPU Intel Core i7-10700
RAM HyperX 32GB KIT DDR4 3200MHz CL16 FURY series
Videocard GAINWARD GeForce RTX 3070 Phoenix LHR
Storage 2 SSDs and 4 HDDs :)
Motherboard MSI Z490-A PRO
Display 32" Philips 325B1L
OS Windows 10 Pro
Mouse A4tech XL-747H Gaming
Keyboard Logitech G213
Headphones Disintegrating
Connection Shitty
Sound system Genius SW-HF 5.1 4800 Ver. II
Console(s) Playstation 5
Drink All except alcohol
Food Anything not spicy
Movie Lord of the Rings and Shrek
Music Anything but rap (with exceptions) and hiphop
Song Monsters by Timeflies & Katie Sky
Book Silmarillion
Book author J. R. R. Tolkien
Person Keanu Reeves
Actor / Actress Ryan Reynolds
Car As long as it works ...
Sport Shadow casting
Map (GET OFF ME) Swamp
Player Smii7y and Kryoz
Game Hero Aloy
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elves
Genre Fantasy
Console PS5
Favourite Websites
Website 1