Esca  id: 752450
CPU i5-2500k
RAM 8 GB DDR 1333
Videocard GTI 550
Soundcard onboard
Storage 1TB
Motherboard ASUS
Display 22" Laptop
OS Win 7 prof
CD/DVD - no -
Mouse Logitech MX512
Mouse Skatez - no -
Mousepad - no -
Keyboard Laptop
Headphones Sennheiser
Connection T6000
Wheel/Pedals - no -
Joypad - no -
Drink whiskey (single malt ^^)
Food alles selbstgemachte : )
Music Techno, Elektro, HipHop
Song Tonight - Lost Prophets
Book The Pillars of the Earth
Book author - no -
Sport Fussball, Ski
Athlete - no -
Player motecarlo., Wulverate, Ph03niX
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc / Human / Nachtelf / Undead
Console ps3
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.sueddeutsche.d..
67-x-13 -> 84%