laRu  id: 759908
CPU Core 2 Duo E6550 @ 2.8 GHZ
RAM 6 Gig DDR2 800 Kingston Hyper-X
Videocard Evga Geforce 8800 GTS
Soundcard HD Audi Max 7.1
Storage 750 Gig Speicher im RAID1
Motherboard Abit AW9D
Display Samsung Syncmaster P2250 22"
OS Windows 7 64 Bit + Suse Enterprise 11
Mouse roccat kone +
Mouse Skatez hYperglide
Mousepad qck+ heavy
Keyboard Cherry Flat
Headphones steelsound 4h
Connection UnityMedia 64 Mbit/s
Joypad sidewinder
Sound system Logitech X-540 5.1
Console(s) pS3
Handheld(s) Nokia E71
Drink bier, mezzo, wodka-red bull
Food italienisch, türkisch, mama
Movie pulp fiction, team Amerika, how high, scarface....
Music house, rock, reggae, hip hop
Song ...
Book schulbücher
Book author Dieter Bohlen
Person me, myself and I
Actor / Actress Jenna Jameson, Megan Fox
Car escalade, gt3, BMW M6 mit G-Power,
Sport fussball, hÄcken
Athlete bob marley
Map d2, azze, clan1_mill
Clan mTw
Player Spawn
Game Hero me, myself and I
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) opfOr
Genre ego-shooter
Console pS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.fick-dich-selb..
Website 3
Website 4
The Game is Over, NOW...

mymTw acc.

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