Heesh  id: 764605
CPU Intel Pentium® Dual-Core T3400 2x 2,13 GHz
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GS
Soundcard SoundBlaster-Pro und MS-Sound kompatibel
Storage 320GB
Motherboard MSI
Display 16'
OS Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Antivirus AntiVir
CD/DVD DVD, Brenner
Mouse MX 510
Mouse Skatez Ja
Mousepad Speedpad
Keyboard SpeedLink
Headphones SpeedLink
Connection DSL 6000
Wheel/Pedals Nein
Joypad Nein
TV Wie TV?
Sound system :O
Console(s) Nein
Handheld(s) blubb
Drink Weizen, LongDrinks, Kölsch
Food Pizza, Curry Wurst, Dönertüte
Movie The Ring, Sin City, Saw1/2
Music r & b, Punk- Rock, Metal
Song Slipknot - Left behind
Book Mit Geschlossenen Augen
Book author Melissa P.
Car Nissan Skyline
Sport Basketball, Eishockey
Athlete Ballack!
Map dust_2
Clan keinen!
Player keinen!
Game Hero Paladin
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Night Elves
Genre ego-shooter
Console Hab keine!!!
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.wow-europe.com
Website 2 http://www.a-losers.org
Website 3 http://www.mousesports.co..
Website 4 http://www.nrwbasket.de

My WC3 balance in the WC3CL: 5x 2:0, 5x 1:1, 1x 0:2 (solo) / 6x 2:0, 1x 1:1, 6x 0:2 (2on2 with luuu, Striker or Project) | best win vs. n.SK)shade, PW-Insn.Fire