RoCk_Ya  id: 782168
CPU Intel Core i9
RAM 32 GB DDR4 Memory
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 2080Ti
Soundcard 7.1
Storage 1 TB SSD
Motherboard -
Display AOC 32 Zoll
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Antivir
Mouse G5 & Racer Tastertur
Mouse Skatez Racer
Mousepad Racer
Keyboard Racer
Headphones Racer
Connection 1.000.000 MBYTE
Wheel/Pedals Racer
Joypad Racer
TV Samsung / Phillips
Sound system Bose 5.1
Console(s) PS4 / Switch / PSP / X-Box
Handheld(s) -
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S20
Drink Red Bull
Food Pizza
Movie Alle Will Smith Filme
Music Rn`B, Soul, Blackmusik, HipHop
Song -
Book ๏̯͡๏
Book author ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Person -
Actor / Actress Will Smith
Car Ford Mustang
Sport -
Athlete -
Map dust2 & Inferno
Clan eQuit
Player -
Game Hero -
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) -
Genre -
Console -
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://-
Website 2 http://-
Website 3 http://-
Website 4 http://-
Gaming Since 2000
Play Fair and in a Team
No Flame
If the enemy is within firing range, so are you :D