LickMe  id: 828719
CPU AMD XP 3400+ Barton
RAM Infineon 2x512MB PC400
Videocard Point of View GeForce 7800GS
Soundcard nForce2 Chipsatz onBoard
Storage 2x Segate 80GB S-ATA RAID 0
Motherboard ASUS A7N8X Deluxe Rev. 2.0
Display HYUNDAI QV790 17°
OS Windoof
CD/DVD normal halt ^^
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mouse Skatez brauch isch nisch
Mousepad X-Raypad Thunder 8
Keyboard A4 Tech
Headphones Plantronics Audio90
Connection Cable 6Mbit
Drink Cola
Food Steak, asiatisch, Fleischkroketten
Movie Last Sammurai
Music Metal
Song Pink Floyd - Brick in the Wall
Book Philip Pullman - Das magische Messer
Book author Philip Pullman
Actor / Actress Jacki Chan
Car Bike: Honda CBR600F
Sport eSports :D, Hockey, Basketball
Map (de_nuke), de_dust2
Clan 4Kings
Player Grubby
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) ne und Terrors :P *rofl
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
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Den Pfeil hab ich gefunden ^^ ist voll kewl nicht war?^^