HELLMOON  id: 831177
CPU Pentium D 950
RAM 2048 ! cl 2 - Corsair
Videocard ATI - 4200
Soundcard Onboard !. 5.1
Storage 2 = 900
Motherboard NN
Display BenQ FP93G X
OS Wxp | Vista 64
CD/DVD LG Double Lay-16x DVD-RW | RAM
Mouse FireGlider
Mouse Skatez Speedtapes kl 4
Mousepad Speedpad - blue
Keyboard IBM -Rapid Access II
Headphones Plantronics GamePro
Connection dsl - 16
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad Bullfrog
TV -
Console(s) pSone, PsP
Handheld(s) -
Drink Bier, Kaffee, Cola, Milch, Wasser
Food Hühnchen, Senfei, Schnitzel -> FLEISCH
Movie hmm?? --- naja , vielleicht: freez
Music Such A surge , System of a Down , Jimmy Eat World
Song Default - Deny
Book - Kein Wurm vorhanden ;)
Book author - Was das ?? ;) ..
Car Diablo, 911, f40, f-gto
Sport Fußball, Baskettball,
Athlete -
Map -
Clan -
Player -
Game Hero -
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orcs
Genre -
Console PsP
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.networkfan.de
Website 2 http://www.hellmoon.de
Website 3 http://www.zdg-clan.com
Website 4 http://www.chip.de
ThE SuN is DoWn ThE MooN is HigH tHe HELL is AftEr DaY @ SkY !