Devilz  id: 832638
CPU Intel Core I5 6200 U
RAM Samsung 8GB Dual Channel
Videocard Nvidia 930MX
Soundcard IceSound Sonic Master
Storage Western Digital 1TB
Motherboard Intel Skylake
Display "17 Laptopdisplay
OS Windows 10™ Enterprise 64x
Antivirus None
Mouse Trust Predator 2400 DPI
Mouse Skatez None
Mousepad None
Keyboard Laptop Keyboard
Headphones None
Connection Telekom 100 Mbits Down / 40 Mbits Up
Wheel/Pedals None
Joypad None
TV Telefunken 16:9 Full HD
Sound system 5.1 Dolby Digital by Sony / Liquid Power 900
Console(s) PSX,Saturn,Dreamcast,PS2,SNES,Mega Drive
Handheld(s) GameGear,Gameboy,PSP
Mobile Phone Huawai My5 II
Drink Wiskey Cola
Food Pizza
Movie Full Metal Jacket
Music Schranz|Techno|House|Trance|Rock
Song Felix Kröcher-She´s a Schranzy
Book Flusswelt der Zeit
Book author Philip Jose Farmer
Actor / Actress Steven Segal
Car VW Golf 2 VR6 Bi-Turbo 450PS
Sport Wrestling,Boxen,Kraftsport
Athlete Bill Goldberg
Map De_Inferno
Clan PurpleHazeClan
Player Hawkins aka Kasi
Game Hero Rayne (BloodRayne)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) HochElfe,Seraphim
Genre FPS & RPG
Console PSX
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.purplehazeclan..
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4 http://www.sacred-project..
So we´re walked across the sands of time, and the blood that we share ist the tie that binds. What can I see to make you understand, that with honor and loyality, we´re got the winning hand.
Plödfrau HDGDL<3