Delikat  id: 841600
CPU Q6600 4 x 2,7GHz
RAM 4096 MB-Ram DDR2
Videocard ATI Radeon HD 4890 von XFX
Soundcard 7.1 Soundkarte von Creative
Storage 500GB
Motherboard ASUS P5N-E SLI
Display 22 Zoll Widescreen
OS Vista Home Premium
Antivirus AntiVir
CD/DVD DvD DoubleLayer Brenner
Mouse Logitech G5
Mouse Skatez 6000
Mousepad Speed Pad
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Sennheiser 165 USB
Connection DSL 16000
Joypad Logitech
Console(s) Nintendo GC
Mobile Phone Nokia N96
Drink Rockstar und Coca Cola
Movie 96 Hours, HdR 1-3, FdK 1-3.
Music Hardstyle, Jumpstyle, Hardbase
Song Eye of the Tiger
Book Herr der Ringe, Warcraftbücher
Book author J.R.R Tolkien
Actor / Actress Louis de Funes
Sport Fussball, ESL
Game Hero 80 Mensch Krieger auf Frostwolf (PvP)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Mensch
Genre Rollenspiel, Strategie, Ego-Shooter
Console Nintendo Wii