Kevin 'kyo'' Schmitz  id: 841984
CPU Intel® Core™ i5-6600K Prozessor
RAM 8192 MB DDR4 Speicher
Videocard 4096 MB NVIDIA Geforce® GTX 970 MSI® Gaming 4G
Soundcard SoundBlaster Audigy FX
Storage Samsung EVO 850 500 GB SSD
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3
Display 21 " BenQ
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Norton AntiVirus
CD/DVD Blu-Ray Brenner Laufwerk
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mousepad Razer Goliathus XL
Headphones Sennheiser Game-Zero
Connection T-Com DSL 4000
Drink Jacky Cola
Food Döner, Chinesisch
Movie Shooter
Music Black, House, Electro
Song Macklemore - Can't hold us
Actor / Actress Megan Fox, Vin Diesel
Sport Fußball
Athlete Reus, Sahin, CR 7
Map de_inferno
Player KennyS, Krimz, shox
Console PS3
let's see, who stands when the smoke clears

missing the old times..

History: sCorex, DreamworX, myplayers, nAm, wired.cs etc.