Florian 'flo0' Jautz  id: 856430
CPU AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition
RAM Corsair Dominator 8GB DDR3 CL7 Black Edition
Videocard ATI 4870 OC HD Edition
Soundcard Creative XFI Xtreme Music
Storage ~1 TB
Motherboard Gigabyte 890FX UD7
Display Samsung 2233RZ
OS Windows 7
CD/DVD Plextor Dual-DVD-Brenner, Plextor DVD-ROM
Mouse Logitech G500
Mouse Skatez keine
Mousepad SteelSeries CQK heavy
Keyboard Logitech G110
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection Kabsi 25Mbit
TV Samsung P2470HD
Sound system Denon
Mobile Phone iPhone 3GS
Drink Erdbeerknödl
Movie How High
Music Trance, Techno, House, Hardstyle
Song R. Kelly - The Worlds Greatest :D
Car BMW Z4 Coupe
Athlete Dejan Savićević
Map flo0_train, flo0_tuscan
Player frag0r
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.t4e.dj
Website 2 http://www.bb-szene.at
ACE vs fnatic! Overall-Final i30 LAN
**download my config**

former Clans:

* n!2frag
* FSI - Future Sports Inc
* Powerrangers
* b12 (Vitamin b12)
* myChanges
* arTeria
* AoD - Advacned Online Destination
* GANA - GamersNation
* eSports Kingz.Speedlink CS:S
* GaB - Geh aB Clan
* dRagonality
* plan-B
* waveGaming
* mTw.PokerRoom
* NetworkingZ
* ZONE - Majestics
* evoplay
* KomaCrew
* Tera Gaming
* Team123
* KD-Gaming
* KD-Gaming


... too much...

qualified für ENC with AUSTRIA
FGL attending wit EVOPLAY
ClanBase Opencup with EVOPLAY
ClanBase NationsCup XI with AUSTRIA rank #4
ESL Pro Series XII with evoplay


invited to Team AUSTRIA
TV-appearance on GIGAII - pB vs faculty
ClanBase NationsCup X left groupstages with 3 place
Twisted-Play Invite League Playoffs 3 place
IPS I CS:Source Playoffs with mTw 2 place
ESL Pro Series X with mTw 8 place
ClanBase EuroCup with mTw - groupstages
I30 - England - Lan with mTw 1 place
ClanBase OpenCup with NKingz 1 place
ESL Pro Series XI with SPEED-LINK
ESL Major Series-Qualifikation with ZONE 2 place
ESL Major Series with Majestics


invited to Team AUSTRIA
EC-League LNC 5on5 Februar-Mai – 1 place
EC-League LNC 5on5 #14 – 1 place
ESL 5on5 CSS Rushcup - 3 place
EAS 5on5 Alps – 1 place 120 days
Xtremelan#2 CSS5on5 – 1 place
Xtremelan#2 CSS2on2 - 1 place
Xtremelan#2 CS1.6 5on5 - 2 place
Xtremelan#2 CS1.6 2on2 - 2 place
Holidayopen CSS2on2 – 1 place
Holidayopen CSS5on5 – 3 place
#nur48stunden-lan#19 - 3 place
ClanBase NationsCup X attending with Team AUSTRIA
1st online TV-appearance on 9.11.2006 on GIGAII
TwistedPlay Season 1 Invite League qualified for playoffs with 1 place
ESL Pro Series IX CS:Source relegation failed with dRagonz
ESL Pro Series IX CS:Source with Speed-Link 3 place
IPS I CS:Source qualified with plan-B
London EUROCSS LAN 3-5 place (aborted ->flights)
Alps 5on5 CS:S Epsilon Cup 1 place
Live CS:S Match @ sIFNG in Vienna (Area52)


GigaLiga CS:Source 5on5 - 1 place with AoD
GigaLiga CS:Source 2on2 - 1 place with Cobalamin
Xtremelan#1 CSS5on5 - 3 place
Xtremelan#1 CSS2on2 - 2 place
LinkLan#8 CSS5on5 - 1 place
WWCL 2005 CSS5on5 - 2 place
WWCL 2005 CSS2on2 - 1 place
Giga Grandslam 2on2 - 2 place