Plok  id: 870661
Display Samsung 2233RZ
OS Vista Ult/32
Mouse 3.0
Mousepad Qpad HeatoN :]
Keyboard Std. Cherry
Headphones PC 350
Connection VDSL 25
└(^o^ )X( ^o^)┘

dude its css no promod i dont like how ppl fly away from m4 kills i want old BLOOOOD 1.6!
headshots mate why u have to do it dumb way just copy 1.6 and give new maps all u need!
its really simple just... get sounds headshot shooting aim from 1.6 like
usp headshot got bang and blood goes everywhere THATS WHAT PPL WANT!
not like shot head u see some fire works and he flys 10 meters wtf is that about?
i want TO SEE BLOOD BOOMHEADSHOT whyonly little of blood and they fly away like i dno who boring-.-