Hardware | |
CPU | Pentium 4 |
RAM | 1024 MB |
Videocard | Nvidia FX 5750 |
Soundcard | On board |
Storage | 400 GB |
Motherboard | kA :D |
Display | 19'' Samsung SyncMaster |
OS | Win XP |
CD/DVD | Duallayer Oo |
Mouse | MX510 *blau* |
Mousepad | Speedpad |
Keyboard | Fujitsu Siemens (billig) |
Headphones | Sennheiser PC150 |
Connection | 2Mbit + FP |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Volvic in allen Geschmacksrichtungen |
Food | kA. |
Movie | Zu viel... |
Music | so die und das |
Song | Zu viel... |
Sport | Handball |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_train |
Clan | r e h t a g |
sparx - the one and only! Ich bin genau so HART! • Meine Daten: Tobias E. aka sparx sparx Fanclub #sparx @ qnet • Meine History: ' ogs-esports.de // #ogs.de *hust* :D ' team-nod.de // #home.nod ' uNfeahig // #uNfeahig4ever ' x1te.de // #x1te ' Rhenium-Gaming.com // #rhenium-gaming ' Team-Akra.biz // #go-Akra ' planet-sigma.de // #planet-sigma ' clanserver4u.de // #gaming.clanserver4u ' cfd4ever.de // #cfd4ever ' coldgame.de // #coldgame ' zurro-gaming.de // #z-gaming ' uhrwerk.org // #uhrwerk |