henrik 'slajdan' eriksson  id: 881664
CPU 500mhz
RAM 64mb
Videocard TNT 1
Soundcard motherboard
Storage 20GIG!!!
Motherboard pentium 1
Display 15" multisync @ 60hz
OS windows 98
CD/DVD floppy x4 speed
Mouse mx1000 >125hz 42dpi
Mouse Skatez surfleet glids
Mousepad steelpad xxL
Keyboard standard taken from school
Headphones screen builtin speakers
Connection israel
Wheel/Pedals taken from a honda
Joypad pleasurestick?
Drink lemon flavored water
Food rice and curry
Movie dignitias the movie
Music kanye west
Song gold digger
Book metro
Book author dunno
Person chuck norris
Actor / Actress Marcus Nordlund
Car honda
Sport esport
Athlete yes
Map valhalla
Clan gunslingers
Player johan
Game Hero medic
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) axis
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.google.nl
Website 2 http://www.crossfire.be
Website 3 http://www.homestarrunner..
Website 4 http://www.yawn.be