BabyToss  id: 900467
Videocard GEIL ONE! :P
Soundcard Even more GEIL!
Display BIIIG xD
Mouse FAST :P
Mousepad UBER GOOD xD
Keyboard Good enough ^^
Connection SHOULD BE BETTER!!!! -.-'
Drink champagne, milk, wine, beer, tequilla, vodka
Food fried chicken
Movie Star Wars, StarGate, good anime series
Music Instrumental, meditation, metal, rock, trance
Song Toshiro Masuda - Hinata vs Neji
Book Penhaligon Trilogy
Book author D.J. Heinrich
Person All my friends!
Actor / Actress Paul McGillion
Sport karate, swordfighting
Athlete --
Map SC2: Shakuras Plateau, Metalopolis
Clan SlayerS, Team Liquid
Player White-Ra, SlayerS_BoxeR
Game Hero me ;)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) PROTOSS & TOK'RA!
Genre Sci-fi
» Former #1 Czech Republic JKA duelist, nowadays StarCraft 2 Protoss player for London Conspiracy...
» Liquipedia: BabyToss

† En Taro Tassadar †

† General introduction †

BACK and kicking!
I love, love StarCraft 2 and Protoss.


† Clan History †

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Academy of the Jedi - since June 2004 - January 2005
e-Sport-energy - German multigaming clan, since January 2005 - January 2006
clanless - since January 2006 - October 2008
Team-aXiom - since October 2008 -> now / honorary member & inactive

StarCraft II

Cracked Gamers - since May 2011 - March 2012
vVv-Gaming - since May 2012 - February 2013
Awesome Gaming February 2013 - June 2013
Eternity Gaming - Since August 2013 - January 2014
London Conspiracy - Since April 2014 -> now

† Contacts †

Liquidpedia: BabyToss

† I am kooking for †


† Favorite quotes, thoughts †

» "Skill, but not the character is trainable"» - Nichos


"» No! Try not! Do! Or do not! There's no try!"» - Yoda

» ~May The Force Be With Us All
~And May The Peace of this Place Be Ours
~A Place Open To Thought and Speech
~A Realm Of Mutual Respect
~And A Haven of Shared Noble Purpose.
~Let us take our place together,
~With no one above the others.
~May we work together in trust,
~Free from the restraints of Ego and
~At this gathering and all others to come. »


»And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance
and with furious anger those,
who attempt to poison and destroy my
brothers !»


The Orthodox Jedi Code
There is no Emotion; There is Peace.
There is no Ignorance; There is Knowledge.
There is no Passion; There is Serenity.
There is no Death; There is the Force.

Additional lines to the Jedi Code:
There is no Chaos: There is Harmony.
There is no Fear; There is Courage.
There is no Foolishness; There is Wisdom.

Alternate version of the Jedi Code:
Passion is a crutch, peace is the truth.
Through peace I gain serenity.
Through serenity I gain knowledge.
Through knowledge I gain understanding.
Through understanding I gain wisdom.
The Will of the Force will guide me.

The Jedi Creed
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace.
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
I am a Jedi.


All alone, cold fields you wander
Memories of it cloud your sight
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
Lost your way a fallen knight...

(» Inspired by Dureal, dunno real author of this)


Know the enemy and know yourself, you will win every battle;
Know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
Know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Be not proud when victorious.
Do not give up when defeated...!

»Inspired by zedi'Angelus

»» MfG Johauna ««