Felix 'Vadi' Filgis  id: 911351
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo e6600
RAM 2 GB Corsair
Videocard Nvida 8800 GTS
Soundcard Audigy 4
Storage 160 und 120 GB
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3
Display 19" TFT Samsung Syncmaster 940 BF
OS Windows XP
Antivirus BitDefnder Internet Security 2008
Mouse Logitech G5
Mouse Skatez QPAD Glidz
Mousepad Wintech Gaming Stoffpad
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 5.1 Headset
Connection DSL 32000
Console(s) Xbox
Drink Bier/Whiskey
Food Pizza
Movie Der Blutige Pfad Gottes
Music Metal/Rock/Punk/pop
Song viele meistens Sum 41
Book Kriegsklingen
Book author keinen besonderen
Person Tony Hawk
Actor / Actress Jackie Chan
Car Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
Sport Esport
Map de_inferno
Player Chef koch
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nightelf
Genre Ego shooter
Console Xbox
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.cs-expert.de
Website 2 http://www.gtspirit.com
Website 3 http://www.ferrariworld.c..
http://z0r.de/?id=448 <-- Die Wahre Story in Matrix
http://z0r.de/?id=1212 <--- krasse kacke

while the wicked stand confounded call me with the same surrounded.

it's never too late for resurrection.