Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Phenom X4 9500 |
RAM | 4 GB |
Videocard | nVidia GeForce 8100 / nForce 720a |
Soundcard | onBoard |
Storage | WD 250 GB + Hitachi 320 GB + Toshiba 1,5 TB |
Motherboard | GF8100 |
Display | Samsung P2270HD |
OS | XP |
Antivirus | Antivir |
CD/DVD | DVD-Brenner |
Mouse | Mx-510 (blau) |
Mouse Skatez | Glidetapes |
Mousepad | PCI in fashion ;) |
Keyboard | Logitech |
Headphones | Sennheiser PC 150 |
Connection | 16000 |
TV | Samsung |
Sound system | RFT Hifi-Anlage |
Console(s) | Sega Megadrive, PSone |
Handheld(s) | iPod nano |
Mobile Phone | Nokia 5300 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Gin Tonic. |
Food | Gulasch. |
Movie | Lucky # Slevin. |
Music | Social Distortion, Broilers, Wise Guys. |
Song | The Cure - Boys don't cry. |
Book | The Cocka Hola Company. |
Book author | Joseph von Westphalen. |
Person | Niemand. |
Actor / Actress | Edward Norton, Robert de Niro. |
Car | Audi RS6, Aston Martin DBS. |
Sport | Fußball. |
Athlete | Lahm, Ramos, Bale. |
Favourite... | |
Game Hero | Lara Croft. |
Genre | Sport. |
Console | Playstation 3. |
Hier ein paar DEnglisch quotes ;D "Hier goet gleich die Mailorder Down" (Hier geht gleich die Post ab), "That does not Emergency" (Dat tut nich not), "Punchen se in" (Hau rein), "Holla The woodferry" (Holla die Waldfee), "My lovely Mister Singin Club" (Mein lieber Herr Gesangverein), "I break together" (Ich brech zusammen) |