DigitalVortex  id: 9212327
CPU Intel i7 4790
RAM 16GB (8x2) g.Skill Rampage 2400
Videocard EVGA nVidia GTX 970
Storage 5TB HDD, 256GB SSD
Motherboard Asus Z97 FTW
Display 2x Asus v247-h
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Windows Defender
Mouse Razer Naga 2014
Mousepad Steelseries
Keyboard Logitech G910 RGB
Headphones Logitech G633 RGB Atermis
Connection Wireless/Ethernet
TV Samsung 40"
Console(s) Wii, N64, SNES, NES, Xbox 360
Handheld(s) DS Lite
Mobile Phone LG G3
Drink Black Cherry Mike's Hard Lemonade
Food Canadian Bacon and Cheese Hot Pocket
Movie Lord of the Rings
Music J-Pop
Song Dumb Dumb Dumb
Book The Softwire Series
Actor / Actress Tom Cruise
Car Chevy Corvette 2015
Sport E
Map Chernarus
Clan TSM
Player nl_Kripp
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Dark Elf
Console Playstation 4
Favourite Websites
Website 1
I'm an all around chill guy. I love watching people play games while playing games or programming. Hearthstone is fun to play, but even more fun to watch (except when playing arena).

I love working on projects which give me practical experience. Programming and Development are my lifeline!

I love playing games -
League of Legends, Hearthstone, Call of Duty, Halo, Titanfall, Evolve, FTL, Heroes of the Storm, Osu!, TOME: The Immortal Arena

I love designing and developing websites -
I may be less experienced compared to most people, but I still enjoy learning.

Programming Languages -
C#, C++, Java, Javascript, PHP, Python

Porfolio Website (Currently not up... Soon™) -

I love memes. They make me laugh when I don't want to laugh, I connect to friends with memes, and have a good time.

Personal Stuff -
I have 3 cats (Russian Blues) named after 3 Peanuts characters [Linus, Lucy, Peppermint Patty]

Favorite Programming IDEs:
Adobe Brackets
Visual Studio