Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Pentium 4 2.6 ghz mit Hyperthreading |
RAM | 512 MB DDR |
Videocard | GeForce 4 TI 4200 |
Soundcard | C-Media Ac' 97 Onboard |
Storage | 40 Gigabyte |
Motherboard | ASRock P4AL-800 |
Display | 17 Zoll Sampo AlphaScan 718 |
OS | Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition |
Mouse | Logitech MX 518 |
Mousepad | X-Board v2 |
Keyboard | Typhoon |
Headphones | Sennheiser PC 150 |
Connection | Freenet DSL 6000 |
TV | Lifetec |
Sound system | creAtive inspire p 380 2.1 |
Console(s) | Playstation 1 |
Handheld(s) | Game Boy Color |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Smirnoff Ice, Cola, Magic Man Mixed Red, GrünerTee.. |
Food | Pizza , Döner , McDonald's , Bürger King |
Movie | guck unten |
Music | Rock und bisschen Hip Hop |
Song | wechselt ständig |
Actor / Actress | Jean Reno , Tom Hanks uvm. |
Car | Dodge Viper |
Sport | Aggressive Inline , Fußball , e-Sports |
Athlete | Chris Farmer, Sean and Colin Kelso |
Favourite... | |
Map | Dawnville, Harbor, Carentan, Railyard |
Clan | KrAuT-gaming |
Player | KrAuT |
Game Hero | KILLERKrAuT |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | KrAuTs |
Genre | KrAuTion |
Console | KrAuTstation |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.rollernews.com |
Website 2 | http://www.grindhouse.de |
Website 3 | http://www.giga.de |
Website 4 | http://www.ebay.de |
weiter ---> cless ►Status »Aktiv ► Clan History ◄ »Wölfe des Todes...| Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.0 »faNatics...................| Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.0/1.41 »Team-aXiom..........| Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 »extrem.....................| Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 »aGu..........................| Call of Duty 1.5 »rhenium-gaming...| Call of Duty 1.5 »Passion-Media......| Call of Duty 1.5 »e-Play......................| Call of Duty 1.5 »High-Perform.........| Call of Duty 2 »Neon-Untergrund..| Call of Duty 1.5 ► Wenn ihr mich fordern wollt dann meldet euch im IRC oder per ICQ : 301635702 Thank You! |