Sven 'toa.treffniX' Rählmann  id: 926198
Drink Baileys
Food Mehrkorn Knäckebrot (ownage!)
Movie LotR 1-3 (englisch)
Music Marilyn Manson / Ärzte / Subway To Sally
Song Subway to Sally - Veitstanz
Book a song of ice and fire
Book author GRRM
Actor / Actress Sean Connery / Liv Tyler
Car Golf 2 Automatik
Sport LoL
Athlete theoddone
Map Tranquil Paths (RoC Version)
Clan Templers of Aiur - ToA
Player theoddone
Game Hero Mein UD Warlock Pradanna (ja female...)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Human
Genre Echtzeit-Strategie
Console SNES
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://xkcd
Website 2 http://viruscomix
Website 3 http://reddit
Website 4 http://smbc