Hardware | |
CPU | AMD64 3500+ |
RAM | 1024mo Infineon |
Videocard | GeForce 6800 256mo |
Soundcard | Realtek |
Storage | Seagate SATA 200go |
Motherboard | Asus A8N Sli deluxe |
Display | Hyundai Q770 17" |
OS | Windows XP Pro |
CD/DVD | Pioneer Double Couche 24x |
Mouse | Logiteck Mx510 |
Mouse Skatez | Du Scotch ^^ |
Mousepad | Func Surface 1030 |
Keyboard | Logiteck Media Keyboard |
Headphones | Sennheisser PC150 |
Connection | Easyconnect 1mb + wifi 8mb du cher voisin ^^ |
Wheel/Pedals | Microsoft Wheel Force |
Joypad | Microsoft Joystick Pro |
Favourite... | |
Drink | My Godness ! My Guiness ! |
Food | Steak / Frites / Coca |
Movie | Matrix, Lord of the Ring, Gladiator, ... |
Music | Techno / Electro / House / Rock / Dance |
Song | Daft Punk - Around the world |
Book | The Da Vinci Code |
Book author | Dan Brown |
Actor / Actress | Kiefer Sutherland / Jessica Alba |
Car | Porsche Carrera 4 |
Sport | Tennis de table, Tennis, Karting, Paintball, ... |
Athlete | Oula ca se voit tu m'as pas vu toi ! |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_nuke |
Game Hero | Lara Croft (original avoue!) |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Morst Vivant et Orcs |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.esfrance.net |
Website 2 | http://www.allocine.fr |
Website 3 | http://www.toudy.com |
Admin ESFRance (RIP) 2005-2009 Concepteur amateur de sites web MovieMaker amateur de videos CS |