PheeniX  id: 92890
CPU Intel Core2Quad Q6600 @ 3.0GHz
RAM 8192 MB Corsair DDR2 CL5
Videocard Gainward GTX260 1792MB DDR3
Storage zu wenig
Motherboard ASUS P5Q
Display SAMSUNG 2253BW
OS Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
CD/DVD Toshiba DVD, LG DVD-Burner
Mouse SteelSeries Xai
Mouse Skatez nein, 'n gutes Pad ;-)
Mousepad SteelSeries 9HD
Keyboard SteelSeries 6gv2
Headphones Sennheiser HD555
Connection VDSL 50.000
Joypad XBOX360 Pad
TV Samsung LE-40 A 659 A 1 FXKS 102cm FULL HD
Sound system Logitech Z5500
Console(s) N64!, PS3, XBOX360
Handheld(s) Gameboy, Sony PSP
Mobile Phone iPhone 4
Drink Sex on the Beach, Wodka-O, Smirnoff Ice
Food Spaghetti Carbonara
Movie The Dark Knight, Inception
Music Electro, House, little bit of HipHop
Song Spencer & Hill - Yeah Yeah Yeah
Book Every Hand Revealed
Book author Gus Hansen
Person mein Babe :-*
Actor / Actress Kevin James(Doug), Richard Dean Anderson
Car Bugatti Veyron SuperSport
Sport Snowboarden
Athlete Ayrton Senna
Map de_dust2 / de_nuke / Xel'Naga
Clan EG
Player Grubby, ToD, PuMa, ImMvP, NaDa
Game Hero Link
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc,Terra
Genre Action, Crime
Console bind "~" toggleconsole,PS3,XBOX360
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Hi ho ich bins :)

wer mich nich kennt hat die Welt verpennt!

the one any only PX :D

meet me @ LAN and get some :)